What is Tag?

Rules:It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question..By the way, who cares about the rules??
Remember the saying, "Bollock to the rules!!" (Lord of the Flies)

1. What is your name : Amir Fakhruddin

2. A four Letter Word : Amir (hard one to find)

3. A boy's Name : Anwar (he could be anyone)

4. A girl's Name : Amira ( a friend of mine)

5. An occupation : Accountant (my old ambition)

6. A color : Amber

7. Something you'll wear : Armor (it sounds weird la..)

9. A food : Ayam

10. Something found in the bathroom : Anonymous (seriously, i've no idea)

11. A place : Alberta

12. A reason for being late : Aaaaaa... sory for the late~

13. Something you'd shout : Alahai ekau neyh..

14. A movie title : Armageddon, Around the world in 80 days

15. Something you drink : Air Kosong

16. A musical group : Avenged Sevenfold

17. An animal : Ant

18. A type of car : Audi

19. The title of a song : All I have to give, Addicted to me, Amazing, Anything But Ordinary (ooppsss!!! too much)

20. Othersto be tagged : Ab, syafiq, anas, amemerudin, ammar, hakim, salman, aiman, azwan, affan, + all my friends..

Now playing on Windows Media Player: Weezer - Island In The Sun
via FoxyTunes

2 Responses
  1. eh..asal sume kne huruf 'a'...xde variety la cmni...hahaha

  2. amiir Says:

    follow the rules..haha