It Makes Me Crazee~

I want to make a confession here..
I love to play FIFA08..
I can't remember how it began overwhelming my entire life..
I play it everyday, 24/7, but not the entire day, almost 4-6 hours a day..
now, i'm getting tired and bored of it..
this is the same feeling that I had before..
though, I still play it till now..
this game took my precious time when I was in ICPU..
I played it about 1 hour per day in weekdays..
in weekends, a bit longer..

1 hour x 300 days = 300 hours = 12.5 days

Seriously, lots of time had been spared..
I had considered the bad consequences once before but I still played it everyday ..
without any REGRET..haha..
'LOSE'- the last thing that I'll do in my life..
I always beat them in the game..
that's the ultimate reason why I like to play it..
sorry guys for the lost especially Syafiq..=)

p/s: Credits to my FIFAmate; syafiq aka patrick, amememerudin abey, azri kecik, faza (boy next door), qayyum..

*that's me wearing Man United jersey. haha. i'm a die hard fan of them

2 Responses
  1. ye la..ak je la yg kalah..hahaha

  2. amiir Says:

    tq syafiq for the confession that you made..
    i really appreciate it..haha =)