the Golden Ratio

I just found an interesting fact from Da Vinci Code (quite late)..As a reminder, please consider this post as an additional knowledge, not more than that..No worshipping, no Christianity agenda hidden.

The golden ratio = 1.618 = PHI

The Golden Ratio or Divine Proportion are the name called by the ancient artists..from Wikipedia, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger one equals the ratio of the larger one to the smaller ( I don't understand it too).. To make you understand, let's recall on one of the greatest Leonardo Da Vinci's painting, The Vitruvian Man..

Actually, the above picture (the real one) shows one example how The Golden Ratio was primarily discovered..Da Vinci discovered that the exact proportions of human bone structure was always equal..Can you see those lines in the picture?? Measure the distance of your tip head to the floor and from belly button to the floor..Guess what number would you get if both measurement are divided?? Of course 1.618..

Another example, the distance from your shoulder to your fingertips divide with the distance from elbow to fingertips..Plus, from hip to floor divides with knee to'll get another 1.618..amazing right??( I have not done the test yet )

There are lots of example besides the painting and you can find it 'hardly' on the net..

1. The number of female bees divide by the number of male bees = PHI

2. Pentagrams - lines automatically divide themselves into segments which follow the PHI

3. Fibonacci sequence - the quotients of the adjacent terms is approaching PHI

So, calculate now and see whether those facts are true or not !!!

2 Responses

  1. amiir Says: info yg ak terlupe nk letak