feel like in thermos``

Yeah!! I just finished my chemistry exam. It was awesome!! and I am quite sure that I can a good mark but it's not likely going to happen.. Erm, my first chemistry exam, very very tough and I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who think it that way. Overall, I would say that this experience is crucial for me to face the next challenge/exam.

5% for the first exam?? That is my prediction for this test. Got to do the better for the next test though. Frankly, I'm not dissapointed at all. "Path to success is not going to be easy, dude!". That is what I commented @ Sally Cipan's status. ;)

*All my housemates are having the same problem..ouwwwhhhhhhhh

Matlamat tidak menghalalkan cara

Hadis di dalam video tersebut menerangkan kenapa matlamat, baik atau jahat, tidak menghalalkan cara. Termasuklah dalam amal ibadat kehidupan seharian kita.

*tq to Anamex87 @YouTube