Why not Angel or Demon but Cat???

Hmm, I wonder why ‘Curiosity killed the Cat’ but not dog, angel, or demon?? This question started to emblazon my mind since last week, when I watched a cartoon show “Cat and Dog’ on TV3..and I still remember what the cat said, “Remember dog, curiosity killed the dog”..haha..it’s funny when the first time I heard it.. So, I have made some effort to find out the truth about this quote..and the my search result turned zero..however, I found this; “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back”~(Eugene O’Neill).

I am not satisfy with my findings so far, though..why curiosity has something to do with cat and what could save the cat from being killed instead of satisfaction?? Is it by generous, wisdom, integrity, or excellence??? (it sounds like taylor’s)..Huh~ I better stop crappin’ about this topic..but it should be interesting if I can find the basis for this quote..So friends, if you’re reading this, great!!! Help me answering the esoteric questions..

Now, to the topic of Angel and Demon.. Recently, I just bought a novel Angel and Demon (thanks to my friend for giving suggestion, unconsciously). I have read the first 8 chapter, and I found it is damn interesting..you know why?? It talks about physics, the antimatter stuff..I just learned it in ICPU and it’s about the anti-neutrino that the scientists has found in the atom recently..from the effect of X-ray scatter the proton and electron(if some of you still can remember)..that book also mentions about the GUT(generic unifying theory)..but, till now, scientists have not found the formula to unify the gravitational, electrostatic, and electromagnetic force into one..and last but not least, the phallic symbol from psychological criticisms in English4U..I suggest to all of you, read this book~FullStop

*I’ll get my result tomorrow on-line..Prepare for the worse
2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    deep analysis by super fakh.